Dating tips for guys
1. Wear the right kind of after-shave lotion or perfume. But remember, not too much, not too less!
2. Though you would like her to think of you as a toughie so she feels protected in your presence. This particular attitude puts off a lot of girls. Most of the times guys are so consumed with acting macho that makes girls think you are not sensitive enough! So, take it easy!
3. Most of the men don't think they have to pay attention to the way they dress. may not want to apply make-up though some guys do but that doesn't mean you land up on your date just like that! Remember to shave and a neat haircut should make you presentable. C'mon ...all you guys want your partners to look their best so why not look presentable yourself. She wouldn't like going out with a shabbily dressed date herself, right?
4. Remember to complement your date. But it should be genuine! It could be her hair, her smile, her outfit, her lipstick, her sense of humor... or just about anything! After all she's YOUR date! There's definitely something about this girl or you wouldn't be dating her in the first place, right?
5. Say their names every time you speak to them. It does make a person feel important. Having a pet name for them thought by you after a few dates together is a nice idea. It will make them feel special!